3 oz serving of American Lamb is packed with an array of essential nutrients. Lamb is an all-natural product, raised without hormones. It’s a responsible choice you can feel good about.
Vitamin B12
23g Protein
This is approximately 50% of your daily protein needs. Protein is an important part of your plate because it can lower the blood sugar impact of a meal.
100mg Omega-3 Fatty Acid ALA
Delivers approximately 100mg of the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
100 Calories
Packed with hunger-curbing protein which is a perfect combination for weight management
5x More Than Beef
Provides nearly five times the amount of the essential omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), compared to a 3 oz serving of beef.
Supports a Strong Immune System
Contains a significant amount of nutrients essential for immune function: zinc, selenium, protein, and iron. Supporting a strong immune system begins with a healthy diet.
B12 is only found naturally in animal foods. B12 is important for the normal functioning of body cells and the nervous system. A 3 oz serving provides 37% of the B12 most people need in a day.
USDA National Nutrient Database
Source: American Lamb Board
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